Alfons Esteve

Direct phone: +34 93 125 87 99

skype: alfons.esteve

Complete advice (360º) in International Trade and Transport Law:

International trade:We assist you in export / import operations, participating in the drafting or supervision of contracts: International sale and purchase, agency, distribution, drop-shipping, pigging-back. We help in the choice of incoterms, and means of payment (documentary remittances, documentary credit - especially concerning the maximum delivery dates of documents -...). Drafting of L.O.I. (Letter of Intent).

Transport and logistics:

- Consultancy for obtaining Transport Operator (TO) license, public transport card (MDL and MDP) and private transport.

- Warehousing contracts: Picking, packing & labeling, reverse logistics, physical and administrative entry of goods into the warehouse, responsibilities of the parties.

- Drafting and advising on international (CMR) and national (consignment note) road transport contracts. Completion of bookings, claims for damages and delays. Payment terms of the transport price. Direct action

- Handling of demmurages files, stowages, detentions, blank-sailing and damage to cargo, and others.

- Consultancy in cases of endorsements -blank or nominatius- of B / L, and in negotiable and non-negotiable B / L (SWB), conditions of telex release and express release.

- Loss B / L

- Supervision of penalty clauses and obligations of the parties in air cargo transportation contracts. Advice in the event of cargo damage, or in the event that the goods are not loaded on the aircraft.


Insurance in transportation: Identification of lack of coverage in goods insurance policies taking into account the type of goods and commercial operation of the client. ICC clauses.


Criminal law: Advice in cases of theft of goods, elaboration of special and specific criminal compliance programs for transport and foreign trade companies.


Yachting: Sale and purchase of yachts, refit, flag and registration, sanctions and inspections, as well as yacht charter and concierge.

Labor law: Employment contracts between shipowner / airline - crew, dismissals, work accidents and enrollments. Interpretation of the International Maritime Labor Convention ILO 2006, the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188) and Mou de Paris: inspection of the Maritime Labor Convention.


We can assist you internationally, as we have agreements with law firms in different countries.

